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Absence or Being Late


Absent or Late Teacher

There are three ways to find out if a class has been cancelled:

  1. See the module Cours susendus on Omnivox.
  2. Receive a phone call (you must first check the option Avis automatisé in your personal Omnivox folder).
  3. Check announcements on the electronic displays in the college.

When the teacher is not present in class and there has been no message about his being absent or late, students must wait for 10 minutes before leaving the class. They must then return to the classroom for the second hour of the class. They can also ask the personnel at the Reception Desk (C-79).

Absence or Lateness for an Exam

Presence at exams is obligatory. Any absence from an evaluation activity which is not justified by a serious reason will mean a mark of zero and failure of this evaluation. According to Article of the Institutional Policy on the Evaluation of Student Achievement (IPESA). “it is the student’s responsibility to take the necessary means to meet his teacher and explain the motives for his absence with a supporting document explaining his absence. If the motives are serious and recognized as such by the teacher, the teacher and the student will agree to the terms of the delay for doing the evaluation or assignment.”

In addition, the IPESA indicates that “if a student is late for an evaluation activity with no justifiable reason, the teacher can refuse to allow the student to participate in the said activity. “

Serious reasons that can be considered are: illness (with a medical certificate), death of a family member (with a death certificate), a force majeure or overpowering event, activities authorized by the College, and legal reason (proof of the court summons).

Extended absence of a student

If you must be absent for a period of one week or more due to serious reasons, you need to notify your academic advisor (API) in the Registrar’s Office on the first day of your absence (450 678-3561, extension 4215).

  • For extenuating circumstances, the Registrar`s Office can enter IN (Incomplete) on a student’s academic record. The IN remains permanent. The request for an IN must be made to the Service de l’organisation scolaire as quickly as possible before the end of the semester. Students found guilty of plagiarism by their teacher will not be eligible to request an IN. See the Procédure de demande d’incomplet permanent for details.
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