Logo Student Guide
Logo de l'École nationale d'aérotechnique

Student Responsibilities

 While all students admitted to ÉNA have the right to quality services on the part of the personnel, they also have responsibilities to the school and to its personnel. The students must be familiar with article 6.1 of the Institutional Policy on the Evaluation of Student Achievement (IPESA) :

The student holds the primary responsibility for success in the learning process. He must therefore be actively involved in his studies. For this reason,

a)     he reads his course outline in order to plan his work during the term. He knows the course objectives and so plans and organizes his learning according to the means chosen by his teacher;

b)     he attends and participates in all his classes. He uses the necessary means to succeed in all his courses. In case of difficulty in a course, he uses the resources put at his disposition by the College;

c)     he does all the studying, reading, assignments, and learning activities required by his teacher in class and outside of class time;

d)     he writes his assignments in correct English while respecting the teacher’s requirements as well as the presentation standards of the College;

e)     he takes all the tests necessary for his evaluation, whether they be formative or summative, according to the requirements and the established schedule;

f)      he guarantees the authenticity of the assignments he submits for evaluation;

g)     for the purposes of mark revision, he keeps all assignments, reports and tests or exams returned by his teacher.

Any sign of disrespect for teachers or any other member of the personnel (especially verbal or physical violence or other means of intimidation) will not be tolerated and punishments for students who contravene this rule can range from a reprimand to suspension or expulsion. The College‘s attitude is that of zero tolerance in this matter.

Consult the student guide in French Ma réussite à l’ÉNA for more details and to consult the document  Règlement relatif au code de conduite à l’intention des étudiantes et étudiants, et des usagers du Cégep.

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