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Psychological Health Prevention and Intervention

Did you know that ÉNA provides services to support you when you need help? A psychologist, a community worker and a social worker are available every day to listen to you and provide guidance. Whether you face issues with your self-esteem, addiction, love relationship, violence or problems of any kind, they can provide free and confidential assistance. These specialized resource people can help you define your identity, your capacities and your needs, they can offer you support, they can help you through hardships and they can help you adjust to life in general and at ÉNA.

Reasons for consultation:

  • Love relationships
  • Addictions
  • Stress management
  • Suicidal ideation
  • Self-esteem
  • Finances
  • Violence
  • Adjusting to Cégep life (personal and academic)


This assistance service is intended for students who need to overcome difficult personal or educational circumstances, develop their capacities and lead a more harmonious life. Students can reach out confidentially to Élisabeth Mercier.

Information :

  • Room : C-163a
  • Phone : 450 678-3561, ext. 4306

Email : elisabeth.mercier@cegepmontpetit.ca

Community Worker

A community worker is available on Mondays to meet with students who are facing social integration problems in college or who are experiencing personal or educational problems. He’s there to offer advice and guide students towards the appropriate services. Students can reach out confidentially to Jean-Luc Djigo.

Information :

Social worker

Social worker Pascale-Amélie Giguère is there to accompany students on a ponctual basis and help defuse situations where there is an urgent need, when the psychologist is not on site. She is also the designated resource for students who wish to discuss, report or file a complaint concerning acts of sexual violence. She’s there to look after you, support you and give you more information about our policy to prevent and fight sexual violence (in French). For more information, visit the Je veux en parler page on the Cégep website.

All services provided by the social worker are free and confidential.

Information :

To report a sexual violence situation (#JeVeuxEnParler)

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