Logo Student Guide
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Fees and Charges

For each regular session, you must pay a total of 212,50 $ (subject to change) at the moment you register, for the following purposes:

  • Registration fee : 20 $
  • Related fees : 25 $
  • Auxiliary Services Fee : 125 $
  • Student Association (CVE) fees : 22,50 $
  • College Students Federation of Quebec membership fee : 5 $
  • Contribution to the Student Group Insurance Plan: 48$
  • Voluntary contribution to the Fondation: 15 $

If you are a part time student, the fees are calculated like this :

  • Tuition : 2 $ per hour of class
  • Registration fee : 5 $ per course
  • Related fees  : 6 $ per course
  • Auxiliary Services Fee : 10 $
  • Student Association (CVE) fees : 22,50 $
  • College Students Federation of Quebec membership fee  : 2,50 $
  • Contribution to the Student Group Insurance Plan: 48$
  • Voluntary contribution to the Fondation : 15 $

Payment Terms

Online payment through your financial institution is the preferred method of payment to pay the balance of an invoice. Payment by post (check or money order) is always accepted.

For all the details of payment terms and to find out about the list of eligible financial institutions or accepted payment methods, visit the page How to pay an invoice issued by Cégep Édouard-Montpetit, in French.


Refund Policy

Certain fees are refundable under certain conditions.

For futher details regarding these conditions, refer to Règlement sur les droits chargés aux étudiants.

International Students or Non-Residents of Quebec

These students must pay the tuition fees determined by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology.

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