Logo Student Guide
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Department Rules


Consult the French student guide Ma Réussite à l’ÉNA to find out the specific rules for each teaching department.

Class Attendance

« It is the students’ responsibility to be present at all their classes and to participate actively in the classroom activities organized by the teacher. » (Institutional Policy on the Evaluation of Student Achievement (IPESA) 6.3.4)

In the case of absence for serious reasons (medical, legal, death in the family, overpowering event, or activities organized by the Cégep), the student must supply written proof of said reason (medical or death certificate, proof of court summons etc.)  and is responsible for finding out what he has missed in the three days following his absence.

The student must meet the teacher or write him a MIO or an e-mail in which he must

  • state periods when he will be available to meet the teacher. The teacher must respond within a period of 24 hours to give the student an appointment ;
  • inform the teacher of the motive which justifies his absence in order to determine the measures applicable in the case of a missed deadline for an assignment or a missed evaluation;
  • come to an agreement with the teacher on a date on which to hand in the assignment or redo the evaluation;
  • find out about the subject matter covered during the period missed and the objectives reached by his peers during his absence;
  • find out about the requirements (in terms of content, evaluation criteria and deadline) for assignments that are required either during or after his absence;

The student who does not take these steps will be noted as having an unjustified absence.

Once the student has been absent for 10% of the total course hours, he will receive a notice informing him of the number of absences; when he has been absent for 20% of the total course hours, he will receive a notice informing him that he has been expelled from the course.



Students who arrive after the beginning of a period of a class can be considered absent for this period (1 hour). Following the break between periods, the student must arrive in class at the time specified by the teacher. Students who arrive after the time specified for the break can be considered absent for this period (1 hour).


Evaluation Criteria

Students must answer questions in terms of the content of the question asked or respect the guidelines/instructions for the practical activity.

The teacher who evaluates an evaluation will not interpret what the student has tried to communicate, but exactly what the student has said, written or performed according to the correction grid for the course.


Laboratory Security and Use of Premises

If students use or maintain equipment or instruments put at their disposition otherwise than in the way they have been taught, they can be suspended from the course until their case has been reviewed by the course committee.

For access to laboratories in the evening or on the weekend, the form “Request to Use Premises at ÉNA” (Demande d’utilisation d’un local de l’ÉNA) must be completed and signed by the person responsible for the premises at least 48 hours in advance. The student must be accompanied at all times by a teacher or a technician.


Format of Assignments

Teachers give students the necessary information and instructions in order to receive a methodical presentation and an organized composition of assignments.

When the work submitted is judged inacceptable because of the format, the correction of this assignment will be delayed until the assignment meets the norms established by the teacher. In this case, the penalties for late work apply.


Submission of Assignments

All assignments must be submitted on the date, at the time and in the place designated by the teacher.

Unless there is an agreement with the teacher, late assignments are penalized by the deduction of 10% per day, and a mark of zero will be given when the assignment is six days late. Any assignments due in the fifteenth week cannot be submitted late.


Quality of the Language

The teachers promote the precise use of the correct terminology in English.

Formative evaluation deals with the quality of oral and written English.

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