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Mark Revision

A request for a mark revision can be made during the course or at the end of the term

To request a grade review, the student must follow the procedure established by the Cégep and prescribed in the  Institutional Policy on the Evaluation of Student Achievement (IPESA)

According to article 5.6.2 Note revision of this policy:

  • Any student has the right to request a review of the grade obtained in a summative assessment activity.
  • A request for revision can be made during the session or at the end of the session.
  • Before submitting an official request for a grade review, the student must meet with his teacher to explain the criteria applied during his assessment.
  • In the event that the student encounters difficulties in this process, he can contact the departmental coordination.
  • During the session, this process must be done within two weeks of the transmission of the results. At the end of the session, the Cégep informs the students of the prescribed deadlines.

Procedure for official request for grade review

  1. A student who still believes himself to be aggrieved after this process can make an official request for a grade review in the week following the meeting with his teacher or during the prescribed period at the end of the session.
  2. The student must submit his written request, specifying it for the reasons related to the evaluation and must submit, if received, the work or the examination covered by the request for review. The student must also, if he wishes, state his intention to be heard by the grade review committee. He may then be assisted by a representative of the Conseil de vie étudiante ÉNA (CVE).
  3. Any request for a grade review is sent to the department coordinator who oversees the formation of the grade review committee (s). The professor concerned automatically sits on the review committee, which is joined by two other professors.
  4. The committee makes its decision and sends the grade review form commented and initialed by the committee members to the Studies Department or the Continuing Education Department, which communicates the committee’s decision to the student.

Only the professor affected by the grade review request or the review committee can change a student’s grade up or down or decide to leave it unchanged.

No later than one week after receipt of the requests by the departmental coordination, the department’s grade review committee forwards its recommendations to the Studies Department, which will follow up on the decisions rendered.

Online process

The entire grade review process is done electronically.

  • The grade review form is available online.
  • Exchanges and meeting requests are made by MIO, whether with the teacher or the coordinator. Meetings are held in virtual mode, or by written exchanges through MIO or by telephone exchanges.
  • The committee’s decision is sent to the Studies Department or the Continuing Education Department by email. A “Grade review” document is then placed in the student’s file, who is then notified upon receipt of an alert.

If you are in continuing education, please refer to your educational advisor for the deadlines that apply to your situation.

How to Apply

  1. Discuss your assessment with your teacher (by MIO, virtual mode, phone, etc.). This step is preliminary and compulsory.
  2. If after this meeting you still feel that the grade needs to be revised, you must complete the online form corresponding to your area of ​​study.
    Regular training ÉNA (DEC) – grade review request form
    Continuing education (AEC) – grade review request form 
  3. When you complete the online form, you must send, if applicable, the documents in support of your application in digital version by MIO (generally your work or exam if you have it in hand) to the contact person indicated under “Information and transmission of documents”.

Important note: A request for a grade review concerns only one assessment. You will therefore have to complete a form for each of the assessments to be revised, if applicable.

Mark revision during the course

During the term, a student who wishes to obtain a mark revision for an assignment, a test, an exercise or an exam must make the request directly to his/her teacher within two weeks of receiving the results. The teacher must answer this request in the week following the request.

The student who is not satisfied with this answer fills out the mark revision form, available at Service de l’organisation scolaire (Room C170). This request must be submitted during the week following the teacher’s decision and indicate whether the student wishes to be heard by the Mark Revision Committee. The student must attach the pertinent documents to his request. The Mark Revision Committee considers the request and communicates its decision to the student during the week following the request.


Mark revision at the end of the term

This mark revision deals only with activities or exams that are part of the final evaluation or work submitted for the end of the term (term assignments) or with the case of a technical error in the calculation for the transcription of marks. To understand the procedure for mark revisions, consult the Institutional Policy on the Evaluation of Student Achievement (IPESA).

The student who wishes to obtain a mark revision of the final mark for the course fills out the mark revision form available at Service de l’Organisation scolaire (Room C170) He attaches all necessary documents to the request and respects the delays that are given to him when he receives his marks. He/she must indicate in his request if he/she wishes to be heard by the Mark Revision Committee.

Once you have submitted your form, if you checked that you would like to meet with the Revision Committee, you must be available the week after the period.

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