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Co-op Bookstore

The Coop Édouard-Montpetit belongs to its members. The profits it generates go back to students in the form of scholarships and grants of all kinds. For example, they help support student groups and student associations at Cégep and ÉNA, socio-cultural and sports activities at Cégep and ÉNA, Lynx teams and many others! Year after year, the Coop Édouard-Montpetit reinvests some $55,000 in the student community.

At the Coop you will find school supplies and materials, several books, course notes, various computer products, eco-sustainable and eco-responsible products and more. It offers you a flexible purchasing service, offering you on-site purchases, in-store pickup or delivery of your orders. The Coop also offers a fax service. You become a member by purchasing a share for $25, taxes included. Valid for life, it entitles you to a discount on almost all your purchases.

In addition, the Coop Édouard-Montpetit offers grants for the realization of student projects. The application form and the award criteria are available at the Coop and on its website.

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