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Permission to Study at Another Cégep (Commandite)

Room C-170
A commandite allows you to take a course in another cégep. Your Academic Advisor authorizes the course by assuring that it is relevant to your program. To obtain a commandite, make an appointment with your advisor using the appointment module (Centre de rendez-vous) of the Omnivox Online Services. The commandite is an exceptional measure to address a particular situation when certain courses that are required for your program are not offered at the Cégep. Once you have the authorization, you need to find out the procedures (deadlines, required documents) yourself, so that you can enroll in a cégep that is prepared to welcome you.

Deadlines to have a commandite issued:
Fall Session: October 31st
Winter Session: April 15th

Summer Session
From April 16th, you can obtain a commandite for any course in your program for which you have met the prerequisites

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