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Plagiarism will result in a mark of zero for the exam, the assignment or the evaluation activity in question, in conformity with Article 5.6.1 of the Institutional Policy on the Evaluation of Student Achievement (IPESA).

Article 5.6.1 Plagiarism and other acts of intellectual dishonesty (IPESA)DefinitionAny act that consists of copying, translating or paraphrasing, in part or in whole, the work of another person and submitting it as one’s own work, with or without the consent of the other person, constitutes plagiarism. This act is independent of the source (paper or electronic) of the original document or where it is found. Any act whose objective is to take the place of another student for a marked evaluation activity, to deceive, to cheat, or to falsify documents or results constitutes fraud. Plagiarism, like fraud, is a violation of intellectual honesty and any form of collaboration in such actions or attempt to commit such actions is a violation as well.The following are a few examples of intellectual dishonesty:

  • copying the answers for an exam from another student or reproducing the work of another person;
  • helping another student copy;
  • accessing non-authorized information intended for course evaluation activities;
  • copying, with the consent of the author, extracts of his texts posted on the Internet without indicating the source;
  • using quotations without identifying them;
  • stealing a document or material which is to be used for an evaluation activity.

This list presents some typical cases of plagiarism or fraud but is by no means exhaustive.


Any violation of intellectual honesty, as well as any attempt at or collaboration in such an action will result in a mark of “0” for the exam, the assignment or the evaluation activity in question. In this case, the teacher will make a written report to departmental coordination which will be transmitted to the Dean of Studies.

If the student repeats the offence, he will receive a mark of “0” for the course in question. The teacher will make a written report for departmental coordination which will be transmitted to the Dean; a copy of this report will be placed in the student’s file. The student can appeal these decisions by presenting his case to the Complaint procedure process at the College.

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