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Special Needs Center at ÉNA


Room: B-157
Opening hours: Monday to friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Advisor: Sara Savoie
Administrative support officer: Danielle Plante, ext. 4578


The Special Needs Center provides students who have been professionally diagnosed with a disability (sensory, motor, neurological or learning disability, organ dysfunction, mental health or autism spectrum disorders) the possibility to take advantage of various human and material resources.


Services offered at the Center include :

  • Welcome and assistance in integrating in the Cégep
  • Development of a special needs plan
  • Meeting with professionals and follow-up assistance
  • Note taking
  • Physical and educational support
  • Assistance in handling equipment
  • Scheduling adapted to student’s needs
  • The opportunity to take exams outside of the classroom
  • Production of adapted educational materials
  • Access to assistive technology and support for their use


Contact us as soon as possible to receive appropriate services and complete the form to identify people with a handicap or learning disability.

Fill out the Form to identify students with special needs.

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